Why can't I receive my lesson earlier in the week?
Current Lesson
Our intention with The Wired Word weekly lesson is always to respond to something that has happened in the news during the current week. Because every week is a mix of news items, we purposely wait to write the lesson until Thursday so that we can consider as much of that week’s news as possible before deciding which item to use as a basis for the lesson. We then write the lesson Thursday morning and email it to our subscribers on Thursday afternoon. That way, the lesson is always current to the week you receive it.
Archived Lessons
If you need a lesson prior to Thursday, all of the past lessons are listed on the left side of the Home page of thewiredword.com under the column "Choose a Different Lesson." They are listed in chronological order starting with the current lesson.
Once you choose the lesson you would like to study, you can send it out to your class just as you would a current week's lesson.