About The Wired Word

Our Mission

The mission of The Wired Word is to supply churches with solid scriptural material to help adult teachers and leaders in facilitating group discussions about important matters of faith raised by news of the week.

Our material is interdenominational.  We do not promote a specific denominational position but we stand in the mainstream of the Christian faith.

About Our Lessons

There is an editorial board that helps to pick the topic each week, and the members of that board represent a variety of denominations. We are careful to present the material without overlaying it with the position of any denomination. In other words, we try to concentrate on what the Bible actually says.

Our intention with The Wired Word weekly lesson is always to respond to something that has happened in the news during the past week or so. Because every week is a mix of news items, we purposely wait to write the lesson until Tuesday before deciding which item to use as a basis for the lesson. We then finalize the lesson late on Wednesday or Thursday morning and e-mail the teacher lesson to subscribers mid-morning each Thursday. That way, we minimize the lag time between the news and your receipt of the lesson based on it.

The Wired Word's default version is the New Revised Standard Version Updated Edition (NRSVue).

Our Senior Editor

Stan Purdum is the editor and lead writer for The Wired Word. He is a committed Christian, a seminary-trained pastor and has been a serious student of the Bible since his early teenage years. The Wired Word was essentially his idea. It has long been his conviction that we should try to listen to what the Bible actually says, so that has been a guiding light for writing The Wired Word.

Our Team

The Wired Word's parent company is Communication Resources, Inc, a privately owned, for-profit business that publishes for the church.  

Our writers, editors, IT developers and customer service specialists work behind the scenes from all over the US.  We are a friendly bunch and happy to help in any way we can.


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